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G20 must set new standards for the economic empowerment of women

Women 20 Dialogue starts with high expectations

The start of the German presidency of the G20 on 1 December 2016 also marks the start of the dialogue on women's policy with representatives of civil society organizations: Women 20 (W20). The National Council of German Women’s Organizations and the Association of German Women Entrepreneurs have been instructed by the Federal Government to manage this process as the official engagement group within the framework of the German presidency.

The presidents of the two associations made the following statement at the official launch of this exchange: “We expect the German presidency to make the economic empowerment and equal participation of women the focal point of the G20’s discussions and agreements, rather than it just being a peripheral subject. This is because exploiting women’s potential – as workers and entrepreneurs – is absolutely essential for the development of our national and global economy.” By encouraging international dialogue with representatives of all of the G20 states, W20 is an important panel for introducing recommendations into the negotiations.

“However, simply being present is not enough. We expect the G20 to finally agree on a universal gender perspective – with binding and measurable goals. The G20 must set new standards in this area under Chancellor Merkel’s presidency,” stressed the President of the National Council of German Women’s Organizations, Mona Küppers. The President of the Association of German Women Entrepreneurs, Stephanie Bschorr, added: “We want to launch a sustained and concrete dialogue process in and with the G20 countries, which results in greater labour force participation, good promotion and career opportunities and more entrepreneurially active women – in the interests of greater growth and prosperity in the world.”

Women 20 Germany can be viewed online at

As the umbrella organization of more than 50 nationwide women's associations and organizations, the National Council of German Women’s Organizations (DF) is the biggest women's lobby in Germany.

The Association of German Women Entrepreneurs (VdU) is a cross-industry trade association with international links, which has been representing the interests of entrepreneurially active women in commerce, society and politics for more than sixty years. 


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Juliane Rosin, Executive Manager Women20
c/o Deutscher Frauenrat
Fon: +49 30 204569-19
Fax: +49 30 204569-44

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